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Gasfitting: Safety First, Laughs Second!

Gas installations can be serious business, but who said we can’t have a little fun while talking about safety? At Dynamic Plumbing Works, a certified provider, we take safety seriously and add a touch of humour to keep things lively. Gas Safety...

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Why You Shouldn’t Do The DIY Plumbing Thing

Plumbing can be a messy job, but that doesn’t mean you should take matters into your own hands with a DIY fix. Trust us, we’ve seen some real horror stories. You might think you’re saving money, but a botched job could end up costin...

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Why You Should Make The Switch To A Gas Hot Water Heater

Do you feel like you’re living in a constant state of fear every time you take a shower, wondering if you’ll run out of hot water? Are you tired of having to dance around just to stay warm while washing dishes or doing laundry? It’s...

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How To Handle Flooding – A Practical Guide

With the recent weather events around New Zealand, we’ve been seeing many attempts at curbing the flooding and thought we’d talk about the do’s and don’ts in our latest blog. Flooding can be a major headache for homeowners (not to mention devastating...

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Tips On How To Find The Right Plumber (Hint – It’s Us)

Looking for the right plumber can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. With so many options out there, how do you know which one is the right fit for you? Fear not, folks! Dynamic Plumbing Works is here to help. Here are some tips on how to ...

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Our top tips for your grease trap cleaning

Grease traps are an essential part of any commercial kitchen’s plumbing system. An effectively functioning grease trap is vital. You need it to run efficiently, cleanly and without any huge problems. To keep your grease trap effective it can requir...

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5 Signs You Need Water Heater Repair Services

Having hot water at home on tap (pun intended) 24/7 is one of the luxuries of modern plumbing. We have come to rely on having hot water for our baths, showers, hand washing mania of Covid and more. So when your hot water isn’t working correctly, we n...

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Why you should Have A Plumbing Inspection Before Buying a Home

Is there anything more stressful than buying a new home? Especially here in Auckland, where the housing market goes up and down more often than a kid on a seesaw. Purchasing a new home is an investment, and like any investment, you need to do your re...

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Our Latest Service: IQP Backflow Testing

Ask any plumber, and they will tell you that there are some plumbing problems we can’t see with the naked eye. And those are the ones that could potentially pose the most significant risk to your home or property. This is especially true for somethin...

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How To Warm Up Your Home This Winter

I said “brrr, it’s cold in here. There must be some winter in the atmosphere!” All jokes aside, do you forget how cold your home can get in winter each year until you have to deal with it?   Many Auckland buildings and homes, particularl...