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3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Commercial Drain Cleaners

Oh no! It’s happened again. That pesky drain in your bathroom or kitchen isn’t draining water fast enough. There must be a blockage somewhere. What do you do? Grab a drain cleaner, right? Wrong! Although commercial drain cleaners are marketed as the ...

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Prevent Problems with CCTV Drain Inspections

Even the most well-maintained homes spring a leaky pipe or sport a blocked drain now and then. While most small plumbing problems can usually be easily fixed, there could be larger problems brewing underneath the surface. Literally. That’s where ou...

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7 Tips On How To Save Water At Home

We all know that saving water will help lower your water bill, but since it’s not our hugest expense right now (petrol price, we’re looking at you), we tend to shelf the idea that we need to be careful with our water consumption.However, there’s a lo...

Read More Septic Tank Clean

Does my septic tank need to be cleaned?

It’s the dirty secret no one wants to talk about, but if you have one, it’s one of your home’s most important components. We are talking about septic tanks. Leaky and poorly maintained septic tanks allow germ laden wastewater into t...

Read More Ways to unblock your drain, quickly and efficiently (1)

Ways to unblock your drain, quickly and efficiently

There are several reasons why we suffer from blocked drains, either in the kitchen sink, basin or shower. The most common reasons for blocked drains are build up of hair or other debris getting washed down the pipes. Blocked drains can be a source of...

Read More Why you shouldn’t pour grease, fats and oils down your kitchen sink (1)

Why you shouldn’t pour grease, fats and oils down your kitchen sink

I’m sure we can all agree that cooking is one of the most enjoyable things in the world! But there’s always something to be mindful of when cooking: What do I do with leftover fats, oils, and grease? For many, the initial answer to this is, let’s put...

Read More Three biggest plumbing myths kiwis believe (1)

Three biggest plumbing myths kiwis believe

We are all guilty of believing a few plumbing myths that just aren’t true. Here’s three of the most common plumbing myths kiwis believe, and why they’re wrong: “The drains are working, they must be in good shape.” If you don’...